Humanitarianism and charity

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Colours are one of the most beautiful aspects of the physical world

In our lives, we are always surrounded by different colours - each representing both a specific aura and a specific meaning that most of us don’t really understand.

For centuries, colours have played an important role in the spiritual healing of human energy.

Podarjena umetnina

Donated artwork

with love, touches children's hearts on the walls of the ward at the Brežice General Hospital and UKC Children's Oncology Unit in Slovenia

Barve obstajajo v vsakodnevnih izkušnjah

Colours exist in everyday experiences.

Every day we encounter colours that calm us down, cheer us up, or stop us for a moment. In this moment, we look inside ourselves and think about the meaning and solutions of everyday life.

Življenje je polno barv

Life is full of colours

and like many other things on our paths, colours also have their meaning. They represent messages from our higher self. We don’t need to be a metaphysician to understand the meaning of colours in life.

Otroški svet je obarvan

The CHILDREN'S WORLD is also very diversely coloured, once with vivid, cheerful colours, and sometimes with more subdued tones.

Na otroškem oddelku SB Brežice

I noticed a corner in the children's ward of GH Brežice,

which I thought needed the meaning of colours. In the spirit of a charitable note, I donated a painting full of positive, cheerful and child-friendly coloured shades.

Vsak otrok v tej sliki vidi svoj pomen

Every child sees a different meaning in this picture.

It is very important that children create their own story and build it on the basis of colours. In doing so, they develop the intellect and meaning of moments , that are very stressful for them during their hospital stay.

Cilj barvitosti otroškega oddelka

The goal in colouring the children's ward

is undoubtedly to enable kids to develop vocabulary and recognize emotions in order to promote the healthy expression of emotions.

Poleg standardnih metod zdravljenja

In addition to standard treatment methods, children can use art to communicate their thoughts and feelings to adults, who want to help them cope with life’s challenges. The most common way is to escape the stress of illness.

Uporablja se tudi kot simbolni jezik

It is also used as a symbolic language

With the help of the educator, the child gets acquainted with various works of art and asks questions that inspired him when looking at the work of art.

Ne glede na to, kako se uporablja

No matter how it is used, art therapy

can be a creative way out for children struggling with the circumstances of their stay in a hospital environment.




Colours are one of the most beautiful aspects of the physical world

In our lives, we are always surrounded by different colours - each representing both a specific aura and a specific meaning that most of us don’t really understand.

For centuries, colours have played an important role in the spiritual healing of human energy.

Podarjena umetnina

Donated artwork

with love, touches children's hearts on the walls of the ward at the Brežice General Hospital and UKC Children's Oncology Unit in Slovenia

Barve obstajajo v vsakodnevnih izkušnjah

Colours exist in everyday experiences.

Every day we encounter colours that calm us down, cheer us up, or stop us for a moment. In this moment, we look inside ourselves and think about the meaning and solutions of everyday life.

Barve obstajajo v vsakodnevnih izkušnjah

Life is full of colours

and like many other things on our paths, colours also have their meaning. They represent messages from our higher self. We don’t need to be a metaphysician to understand the meaning of colours in life.

Otroški svet je obarvan

The CHILDREN'S WORLD is also very diversely coloured, once with vivid, cheerful colours, and sometimes with more subdued tones.

Na otroškem oddelku SB Brežice

I noticed a corner in the children's ward of GH Brežice,

which I thought needed the meaning of colours. In the spirit of a charitable note, I donated a painting full of positive, cheerful and child-friendly coloured shades.

Vsak otrok v tej sliki vidi svoj pomen

Every child sees a different meaning in this picture.

It is very important that children create their own story and build it on the basis of colours. In doing so, they develop the intellect and meaning of moments , that are very stressful for them during their hospital stay.

Cilj barvitosti otroškega oddelka

The goal in colouring the children's ward

is undoubtedly to enable kids to develop vocabulary and recognize emotions in order to promote the healthy expression of emotions.

Poleg standardnih metod zdravljenja

In addition to standard treatment methods, children can use art to communicate their thoughts and feelings to adults, who want to help them cope with life’s challenges. The most common way is to escape the stress of illness.

Uporablja se tudi kot simbolni jezik

It is also used as a symbolic language

With the help of the educator, the child gets acquainted with various works of art and asks questions that inspired him when looking at the work of art.

Ne glede na to, kako se uporablja

No matter how it is used,

art therapy

can be a creative way out for children struggling with the circumstances of their stay in a hospital environment.

Art workshops for blind and partially sighted children

We decided on the program and implementation of workshops with the goal of encouraging children to be creative and leave them free to express themselves. Above all, it is important that the children feel included and important.

Art workshops for blind and partially sighted children

In the workshops, participants learn how to get to a story through abstract painting and how to create a tangible image (which went through the practical part of painting with finger paint and sand).

Painting in an abstract way with the texture of the sand is a way of painting in which I can bring art closer to those who cannot experience it through sight, but can experience it through touch. The sand itself is a natural building block, which transfers energy to the canvas through the artist’s fingers, which in turn passes on to the fellow human being.

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