Terms of agreement

Terms of business

The website www.rajkopozar.com is managed by the Institute RAJART, hereinafter referred to as the “provider”. If you visit our website or make purchases through it, you must agree to the general terms and conditions, so read them carefully.

Title: RAJART, Rajko Požar s.p.

Address: Župelevec 35, Župelevec, 8258 Chapels

Registration number: 9592911000

Tax number: 83232117

We are not liable for VAT


TRR: SI56 6100 0002 8842 812


  1. Prices

Prices for individual items are valid when placing an order, in the period before and after that prices may change. All prices are in euros (€) and include VAT.


  1. Methods of payments

The provider allows customers the following methods of payment:

  • by proforma invoice by transfer to the provider’s bank account
  • PayPal

The buyer receives an invoice on paper with visible costs and a notice of how the buyer can withdraw from the purchase and return the products if possible.


  1. Order

When the customer completes / sends the order, he receives a notification that the order has been successfully placed and placed in the queue. At this stage, the customer can cancel the order within two hours. The bidder confirms or rejects the order to the buyer within a maximum of two working days. During this time, the bidder shall check that the goods are available within a reasonable time. Upon confirmation of the order, the bidder informs the buyer about the estimated delivery time of the goods.

  1. Shipping and delivery costs

The bidder sends the ordered paintings to the customer via the DHL courier service – in this case the flat rate delivery is free. Other products are shipped via Post of Slovenia according to the valid price list.

  1. Withdrawal from purchase and return of goods

The buyer must notify the bidder in writing of the withdrawal from the purchase within 14 days of receiving the goods by e-mail. The deadline starts one day after receipt or. picking up the ordered goods. The customer returns the ordered goods within 14 days from the date of termination of the contract, without explanation (without stating the reason). In order for the withdrawal period to be observed, it is sufficient that the notice concerning the exercise of the buyer’s right to withdraw from the contract is sent before the expiry of the withdrawal period from this contract.

We will refund you for the returned goods no later than 14 days after the return of the goods. The company can withhold payment until it receives the returned goods or until the consumer sends proof that the goods were sent back, depending on which event occurred earlier.

The consumer is liable for a reduction in the value of the goods if the reduction in value is the result of conduct which is not necessarily necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

We do not reimburse the costs incurred upon return and delivery costs – they are borne by the buyer. Returned goods must be unused, undamaged and in the original packaging. The customer must also enclose a copy of the invoice with the return. The goods sent with the ransom are not obliged to be accepted by the bidder.

  1. The right to a real mistake

Article 37 of the ZVPot specifies when the error is material:

The seller must deliver the goods to the consumer in accordance with the contract and is liable for material errors in its performance.

The error is real:

  • if the thing does not have the properties necessary for its normal use or for marketing,
  • if the thing does not have the properties necessary for the special use for which the buyer is buying it, but which was known to the seller or should have been known to him,
  • if the thing does not have properties and qualities that have been explicitly or tacitly agreed or prescribed,
  • if the seller has delivered a thing that does not match the pattern or model, unless the pattern or model was shown for notice only.

The suitability of goods for normal use shall be assessed in the light of normal goods of the same kind and taking into account any seller’s statements on the characteristics of the goods made by the seller or manufacturer, in particular by advertising, product presentation or indications on the goods themselves.

The provisions of the law governing obligations shall apply to liability for material errors, unless this law provides otherwise.

  1. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes

In accordance with legal norms, the Institute RAJART, www.rajkopozar.com, does not recognize any provider of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes as competent for resolving consumer disputes that could be initiated by the consumer in accordance with the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act.

The Institute RAJART, www.rajkopozar.com, as a provider of goods and services dealing with online commerce in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, publishes an electronic link to the online consumer dispute resolution platform (SRPS) on its website. The platform is available to consumers online.

That regulation derives from the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act, Regulation (EU) no. Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EU) no. 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/ES.

  1. The right to privacy

All personal data will be used exclusively for sending invoices, offers, prospectuses, etc. Personal data will not be handed over, passed on to a third party.

  1. Communication between provider and user

The provider can communicate with the user by phone, e-mail or. other means of distance communication, unless prohibited by the user.

  1. Disclaimer

Delivery times, prices and other information sometimes change so quickly that the provider fails to update all the information. In such cases, the provider will notify the buyer of any changes later and allow the buyer to cancel the order or. replacement of the product, if possible.

  1. Complaints

Users can complain in case of problems by e-mail info@rajkopozar.com. The bidder will respond to the complaint within 14 days. inform the user how long it will take to process the complaint. The provider will strive to resolve any disputes amicably as soon as possible.

  1. Availability of items

In principle, items are available in three to seven days. In case of prolonged unavailability of a certain item, the provider informs the buyer (e-mail or telephone).

  1. Shopping for business

If you are buying products for your company and you are registered as a legal entity, register as a company. When registering, please enter the exact company name, address, tax number and whether you are liable for VAT in our online store. The above information is necessary for business. Please be accurate in filling out the application form and provide the correct information.
